Russia, Moscow
Born in 22.07.1987
From 2010 to 2014
study at the vocal department
of the Moscow Musical and Pedagogical Institute
named M.M. Ippolitova-Ivanova.
Diploma holder
of the V Open competition
of Russian romance performers
“ Romansiada without borders ”
Moscow 2010
Laureate of
V Independent International
Opera Competition named M. Yareshko.
Moscow 2014
Winner of the
XVI Moscow Festival
of Russian Romance “Lilac Branch”
in the nomination “Professional singing”
Moscow 2017
Laureate of the
18th International Romance Competition
“Romance Voice Autumn”,
Russia, Kineshma 2017
Performances in chamber
and symphony concerts.
Visited Germany,
where I took part in celebration
of the Assyrian New Year
(Kha b’Nisan).
Wiesbaden, april 2017
Gave my first solo concert,
in which I performed arias from operas,
romances and songs.
Moscow, april 2017
Participated in the
Assyrian festival “Khubba”,
which is held annually in the Krasnodar city,
at Urmia village.
May 2016 and 2017
Participate in the
Mesopotamian Night,
The Bryan Brown Theatre
Sydney, february 2019
Participation in the
three Christmas concerts
"The joy of Christmas"
USA, California, december, 2019
Participate in the
Second Mesopotamian Night,
The Bryan Brown Theatre
Sydney march, 2020
At present time I continue to study academic vocal, participate in various projects, concerts and theater performances.